Thursday, January 9, 2014

Serenity Banner

This is a Serenity Banner I made with Stampin Up products. The first product is the Simply Created Banner Kit.

1. Then I decided on three different colors. Melon Mambo, Tempting Turquoise, and Lucky Limage.
2. The Banner set has three styles, I drew out each style.
3. I decided which background I wanted on each banner.
4. I decided what color the background would be, rotating each color.
5. I selected the letter color to not be the same as the background color.
6. I selected the color of the rosette, not the same color that was on the banner already.
7. Pick embeslishments.

Then I created all of the different elements. The one element I found to take the longest is the rosettes, so that is what I started with.

I choose to do a rosette for every letter. I have 8 letters that is 8 rosettes. The rosettes are 2in wide by 16 inch long. So I cut my 12x12 paper into 12 inch strips. Some say its better to use 8 inch strips but I did not want to waste any paper. So I used 12 inch strips and added 4 inches to them.

I made 8 of these in accordance with my plan that I created at the begging.

Then I made the letters.
 I used a Coluzzle from Stampin up, (this is old) you can use framelits or whatever you have. The template that is in the Simply Created Banner Kit has the size of the circle. The one in the Coluzzle was a little bit smaller.

I used my plan, and inked up my sponge daubers with the corresponding ink and went to town.
I decided to ink the edges of the circle in the corresponding color for that letter, this made it pop a little more.

Then I started on the banners. I inked the banners in accordance with my plan.
I used the stencils that came with the Simply Created Banner Kit and did all of them.
Then I used mini glue dots to attach the letters to the rosettes and the rosettes to the banner. I wanted to be able to change out the saying at any time so this is why I did not ink directly onto the banner.

I then embossed butterflies with Reflections embossing powder. I also did three of each color in glitter. I also made 5 butterflies with black embossing powder. I think the final product was very nice.
For the beginning and the end I just used paper cut to 4 X 7. Put the paper at the top of the banner and then flip, trace the banner around the back of your paper. Cut off the difference and your paper is the same as the banner. I attached with mini glue dots.

The last thing I added, was the ribbon. The ribbon is cut at 8 inches folded in half around the twine. I used ribbon that has wire in it, so it all stayed by itself. I just cut the ends to look like banners on the turquoise and pink, then left the silver because I liked the design.

I also added flowers (Micheal's craft store, dollar bin). It had the stripes, chevron, and flower patter than I was using with the rest. I also attached these using glue dots. Then I added the small butterflies that are embossed in black, on top of the flowers. Where I did not add the small ones I added the large black embossed ones. Each of the embossed butterflies in the corresponding color went onto the background of that same color. As you can see each separate banner has each color in that one banner. 

I will be doing a video on my you tube channel for God Is Love Banner, that I show each of the processes I used. Please watch those videos for more information and step by step instructions.

Thank you for your time.  

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